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Glider live tree hollows project

Our group is creating hollows in live trees to support two endangered glider species, the Yellow Bellied Glider and Greater Glider. 


Hollows are essential habitat and vital for many Australian species, but they can take up to 80 years to form naturally. While artificial options like nest boxes have are being used to support wildlife, some species have not responded well to them.

Wollombi glider tree hollows image.jpg

Recently a new tool, HollowHog, has been developed to create hollows in live trees. Early research suggests this better mimics natural hollow temperature and humidity control. In 2023 Wollombi Valley Landcare has been undertaking a program to install and study live hollows for these two endangered species, and is providing findings and feedback to a wider group of interested parties.


This program has been granted funding by the Wettenhall Environment Trust and will make use of an external glider expert and program partners.


Three sites have been selected based on BioNet Atlas data and recently commissioned fauna studies conducted after the 2019/20 bushfires. This includes two in Wallabadah and Upper Yango Creek Road, bordering on Yengo National Park.


The project has been lucky to secure Maaike Hofman, an ecology and conservation honours graduate and glider expert, as a consultant to advise the team on placement, behaviour and installation of hollows for the target species. 


Our mid-year results have been quite extraordinary. Both target species have been recorded on camera with a Greater Glider taking up one of the new hollows. The project's 20 cameras have so far recorded more than 100,000 images with an additional 50,000 or more expected by year-end. Full results and findings, which will include hollow design for these species, are due by the end of 2023.


Project lead: Euan Wilcox contactable through Wollombi Valley Landcare.


Wollombi Valley Landcare glider tree hollows project group

Wollombi Valley Landcare Group Inc.

Registered association: #Y 13257-3


ABN: 50 931 371 870

Postal address: c/- Wollombi General Store, Wollombi NSW 2325

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